Our clients range in industries and size, from beauty to technology and from BtoC, BtoB and Non-profit. Whether they’re Fortune 500 companies or start-ups, they come to Heart&Soul for purpose-inspired strategy, branding, marketing and content.

What our clients are saying...

We engaged with Michele Gough with the goal of identifying our brand’s vision and mission. What transpired was a multi-phased workshop that had far greater impact than we imagined. She guided us through her process that helped us gain a deeper understanding of not only what we do but more importantly, why we do it, for whom, and why that matters. She helped us realize the impact purpose can have on an organization and helped us find ours. This shift in thinking led us to evolve our business model and attract the types of clients and partners that are like-minded, share our principals, and allow us to fulfill our purpose.
-- Zubin Mowlavi, CEO Lucid Fusion